Be Inspired by a New Wave of Composite

The Innovation Playground has evolved, and it’s inspiring the modern era of textiles. We’re creating new possibilities for beautiful fabric blends, and forming even stronger bonds between materials using our hot melt adhesives.

Working in unison with pioneering product designers and creative fashionistas, we’re pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with composite, and we want to share our growing catalogue of ideas and applications.


Innovation Enabler

Embedded with smart technology, and customizable using thousands of texture and color possibilities, our extremely lightweight composites can create durable, hypoallergenic, and waterproof materials—providing the foundation that sparks innovation in wearable technology.

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Performance Enhancer

Whether it be shielding military personnel from combat zone, protecting extreme athletes from harsh environments, or enhancing athletic performance, our composites give professionals that extra edge. Our materials allow for natural movement—at the most critical moments.

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