
Organization Chart

Board of Directors

Board Members

Board of Directors Elections

Professionalism, Independence and Diversity of the Board

Succession planning for directors and key management

Independence and competency assessment of CPA

Abstract of communications among the independent directors, the head of internal audit, and CPAs for the year 112

Abstract of communications among the independent directors, the head of internal audit, and CPAs for the year 111

Abstract of communications among the independent directors, the head of internal audit, and CPAs for the year 110

Sustainable development operations


Ethical corporate management whistleblowing system

Various employee welfare measures Retirement system and implementation status and remuneration policy

Human rights policy

Environmental sustainability symbiosis

Workplace diversity and gender equality policy

Occupational health and safety management systems

Greenhouse gas management

Supplier management policy

Greenhouse gas inventory

Information security management system

Board Resolutions

Board Resolutions in 2023

Board Resolutions in 2022

Board Resolutions in 2021

Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee

The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in overseeing the quality and integrity of applicable accounting, audit, and financial reporting procedures and financial control. The purpose of the Remuneration Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in implementing and evaluating the overall remuneration and welfare policies of the company, as well as the remuneration

Audit committee operations

Remuneration Committee operations

Audit committee performance evaluation report

Remuneration Committee performance evaluation report

Major Shareholders

Information on the relationship between any of the top ten shareholders (spouse or kinship within the second degree). Refer to the PDF file for more details.

Internal Company Regulations
  1. Articles of Incorporation

  2. Board of Directors Meeting Regulations

  3. Remuneration Committee Charter

  4. Corporate Governance Principles

  5. Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles

  6. Rules Governing the Scope of Power of Independent Directors

  7. Code of Ethics

  8. Board of Directors Election Process

  9. Code of Ethics

  10. Corporate Integrity and Compliance Guide

  11. Audit Committee Charter

  12. Procedures for Preventing Insider Trading

  13. Rules of Procedures for Shareholder Meeting

  14. Board of Directors and functional Committees Performance Evaluation Policy

  15. Rules Governing Financial and Business Matters Between this Corporation and its Affiliated Enterprises

  16. Standard Operational Procedures for Responding to Requests from Directors

  17. Information Security Policy

  18. Information security management internal control system

  19. Information security incident notification and response procedures

Internal Audit

The internal audits of the company are carried out by an independent unit that reports directly to the Board of Directors and is under the command and supervision of the Board of Directors. Refer to the PDF file for more details.

Internal audit implementation rules